
Learning from our past to build the future. A message from Satvik Sethi, Founder @ Offline Protocol.

We are excited to bring an idea out of stealth today.

A few years ago I had a simple thought - payments, communication, and information should be accessible to everyone. The more I traveled, spent time online, or consumed news and media, it became apparent very quickly that this was far from reality.

Back in 2020 when I discovered Web3 and started spending more time in the space, I realized that this technology had the potential to alleviate some of the biggest challenges in the world and bring financial inclusivity in places where it is desperately needed. I began sharing these ideas of supporting the unbanked, creating accessible infrastructure, fostering onboarding opportunities for people in developing countries, and buildings solutions that truly create positive impact. At first I hoped someone would do something, but as we moved from ideals of banking the unbanked to unbanking the banked, I started my own research and creating this document.

Over time I lost steam, narratives shifted every day, I felt dismayed at the state of this industry I deeply believed in, and I wasn't sure if any of this mattered anymore. I gave up and gave in. Then something incredible happened. Over the past year I had the pleasure of connecting with 200+ founders and builders, heard incredible ideas, saw fascinating things being put together, and often left these meetings wondering what my purpose is. So here it is, what the purpose always has been, making the world happier.

Thank you for being here! Enjoy this litepaper as a small introduction to our big dreams, and do not hesitate to share your thoughts with us publicly and privately.

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